How To Find The Best Necessary Vitamins For Your Body

We all know that our bodies need vitamins and minerals to keep them functioning properly. We are often confused by what the best necessary vitamins are, because we here different accounts of what vitamins are the best each month. The best necessary vitamins are the ones that benefit your particular body.
You should choose the best necessary vitamins according to whether you are male or female. Men require different vitamins, and minerals, in different amounts, than women do. Start your search for the right supplements by finding out what someone of your gender requires in their daily diet.
You should choose your supplements according to the age you are. Children need a different amount of minerals and nutrients than adults need. When you are in your twenties and thirties your dietary needs are different than the dietary needs of someone in their fifties or sixties. Consider your age when you are choosing the best supplement for you.
The necessary vitamins for someone that is very active is very different from the ones for a couch potato. You have to consider what physical demands you place on your body are in order to choose a supplement that will help you provide your system with the things it needs. Athletic people need different amounts of minerals, and vitamins, and calories, if they want their bodies to remain healthy and fit.
The Basics in Vitamins
There are some basic vitamins that each of us requires, even though we require different amounts. You can start your supplement search by making certain the following elements are included.
• The B Vitamins; B-1 (thiamin), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), 6 mcg of B-12 for women under fifty, men under fifty require 6 mcg, and all people over fifty need 12 mcg
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin D is extremely important for women in their child bearing years, adolescents, and children
• Folic acid, women in their child bearing years need about 400 mcg of folic acid to help prevent birth defects.
• 35mg of Chromium
• 0.9 mg of Copper
• 100 mg of Magnesium, but never exceed 350 mg per day
• 50 mg of Selenium
• 11 mg of Zinc, but do not exceed 24 mg per day
• 4,000 IU of Vitamin A
• 100 IU of Vitamin E
• 18 mg of Iron for women under the age of fifty. All people over fifty only require 10 mg or iron daily and men under fifty only require 10 mg each day
• 350 mg of Phosphorus
• 100 mg B-6
• 15,000 IU of Beta-carotene
• 25 mcg Vitamin K for people under fifty, and only 10 mcg for people over fifty
It is always best for you to get your necessary nutrients from the foods you eat. You should always consult with your doctor before yo start a regimen of taking any supplement. The doctor can help you to determine what vitamins you need the most, and what amounts of those vitamins that you need.
Just because something is good for you does not mean that you should take all of it that you can.
The necessary vitamins that you need to remain healthy may be different from the necessary vitamins your spouse needs to stay healthy. You can get more information from supplements.

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