Pitbull Kennel:how to train your Dog Pit Bull


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              To solicit a good result with training your dog,I suggest you the following advice relative to pitbull kennel or pitbull dog kennel .

pitbull kennel - Caring for Your Pit Bull :

             Of caring for your pit bull you can apply the following practices relative to pitbull kennel or pitbull  dog kennel .
pitbull kennel  -    Give your pit bull lots of exercise. If your pit bull is feeling cooped up or has too much energy,  he might get aggressive. Take your pit bull on lots of walks if you don't have a big backyard to run around in. You should be prepared to spend  approximately two hours a day with your pit bull to give him the exercise and attention he needs.
pitbull kennel  -  Use a shelter. Pit bulls like having their own small area that belongs to them. The shelter should never be used as a punishment, but rather as a place for pit bulls to sleep .
> pitbull kennel  -  Give your dog a collar and tags. Put a collar and tags on your new pit bull so that you can find him when he gets lost. You should also get a microchip for your dog so he can easily be found if all else fails.
pitbull kennel  -  House train your pit bull. If your pit bull is a puppy, he will have to urinate often. He'll need to use the toilet during several occasions: after he eats, after a long car ride, when he wakes up from a deep sleep, and after exercise. He'll need to go every few hours throughout the day.
pitbull kennel  -  Learn to read your dog's body language.   they have different body language that can show when they are upset or agitated.  Get to know your own little creature and look out for signs that he's too excited, upset, or even tired.
pitbull dog kennel 

pitbull kennel  -  Disciplining Your Pit Bull 

          Of Disciplining Your Pit Bull you can apply the following practices relative to pitbull kennel or pitbull dog kennel.

pitbull kennel  -  Use positive reinforcement. When you train your pit bull, focus on teaching him rather than the result. It will take him some time to catch on to your training. Think about rewarding him with positive reinforcement instead of punishing him when something goes wrong is the way to earn his trust on to tame his aggression.
pitbull kennel  -  Establish dominance. Your dog should realize that you are the leader and that the dog must obey you. Here are some ways to establish dominance over your dog while keeping his loyalty and respect.
Give your dog praise so he knows that you own him.
If your pit bull does something wrong, quickly correct him without dragging it out.
Give and deny your pit bull permission to do things. You do this to demonstrate your dominance.
When entering the house, your dog should follow you, allowing you to go first.
pitbull kennel  -  Leash train your dog. Train your pit bull to obey you even when the leash is loose rather than pulled tight. This allows your dog to have the freedom to explore and go to the bathroom, but the dog is still within your reach.
 Here are some  things to keep in mind as you leash train your dog:
To train, the dog must learn that the leash should be slack at all times. If he puts tension in the leash, turn around and pull him the opposite direction. This will teach him to follow you and to not try to lead the way.
>  pitbull kennel   -   Stop biting before it starts. If you want your pit bull to know that it's wrong to bite people, then you have to start when he's small. Whenever he bites you, move your hand and cry out like you're in pain; this will trigger an alarm bell in your dog's head and will let him know that something is wrong.
Prevent your pit bull from biting is to have lots of chew toys for him. This will channel his aggression in a playful and productive way.
pitbull dog kennel

pitbull kennel  -  Socializing Your Pit Bull: 

          Of Socializing Your Pit Bull you can apply the following practices relative to pitbull kennel or pitbull dog kennel.

pitbull kennel  -  Start socializing your pit bull when he's young. Perhaps the most important part of training any dog, but especially pit bulls, is socialization.  Take your pit bull out so it can interact with other dogs and people.
> pitbull kennel  -  Socialize your pit bull with children when he's ready.  If you introduce him to a child too early, he may indeed attack him. Therefore, wait to introduce him to children until you're confident that he knows right from wrong.
>   pitbull kennel  -   Socialize your pit bull with strangers. you need to tell strangers how to act to avoid upsetting your dog. The strangers should not approach the dog, touch the dog, or make eye contact with the dog. but  they should walk in slowly, and, in a sense, "ignore" the dog, which will give him time to smell them, to touch them, and to get used to their presence.
Once the dog is comfortable with the stranger, then they can slowly try to get closer to him.
   >  pitbull kennel  -  Introduce your pit bull to other dogs:
Introduce the dogs by walking them in a parallel direction with their leashes on, choosing a neutral territory so neither of them gets territorial.
Continue to walk the dogs a few feet apart.
Don't let your dog run up to other dogs if he gets excited.
If both dogs still have their leashes, make sure not to tangle them, or this can cause a combat.
>  pitbull kennel  -   Let your dog play with another dog  in a fenced area.  The fenced area shouldn't have too many items that can cause a fight, like bones or exciting toys. If the dogs are comfortable in this environment, take off their leashes and make sure that each owner stays near the dog to keep him in line.
Don't let two pit bulls play together without full supervision. You never know what can happen.
pitbull kennel  -  Know what to do if your dog gets too excited in off-leash situations. If your dog gets too excited around other dogs in off-leash situations, you should be able to pull him away before the excitement starts.
And if your dog is always excited around other dogs in an off-leash situation, it's better to let him have his space than to force him to spend time with other dogs when he doesn't enjoy it.
"pitbull kennel, pitbull  kennel, pitbull kennel, pitbull kennel, pitbull kennel,pitbull dog kennel."
"pitbull dog kennel,pitbull dog kennel,pitbull dog kennel,pitbull dog kennel,pitbull dog kennel."

This article was excerpted and modified from http://www.wikihow.com/ . Full text available here: - See more at: http://www.wikihow.com/Train-a-Pit-Bull

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