Sugar Fitness :Diabetes mellitus type 2 – Symptoms, causes and treatment

sugar fitness                                                    sugar fitness

sugar fitness                                                   sugar fitness

Special areas in the pancreas gland, the Islets of Langerhans, produce a hormone called insulin. This hormone is a protein of small size. Insulin stimulates muscle cells and various other body cells to take up glucose from the blood and convert the glucose to glycogen, a types of starch, and then store the glycogen. By require the body cells convert the glycogen to glucose and employ it as fuel. In this way insulin keeps the glucose level within the blood at a normal size.-sugar fitness-

By diabetes type 2, the cells in the body try not to react properly by stimulation from insulin. Therefore they try not to take in enough glucose from the blood to store it or even make use of it as energy source. This condition is called insulin resistance. The amount of glucose into the blood therefore rises. Also the insulin production can rise to regulate the glucose amount down, but this effort to reduce the blood glucose is not effective enough. If the disease persists for many people years, the insulin production may tire out, so the amount of secreted insulin decreases.-sugar fitness-


The exact mechanism which causes the disease is not known. There could be an autoimmune response to insulin or perhaps to the molecules regarding the cell surfaces which the insulin connects to. Having said that, these lifestyle aspects can result in the disease:

  • Too high consume of sugar and fat
  • Over-weight
  • Too less exercise over numerous years.

Therefore diabetes type 2 can be prevented by a right diet and with regular exercise.-sugar fitness-

When the glucose uptake into your body cells is reduced, but glucose instead accumulates within the blood, the following physiological effects occur:

  • The body cells do not get enough fuel for the work they shall do.
  • The molecular depth (osmality) regarding the blood increases. This causes water to be pulled out of the body tissues and into the blood. The tissues thus get dried out as well as the urine production increases.
  • The tissues begin to break down protein and fat to get energy, causing weight reduction and muscular reduction.
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Signs and symptoms of diabetes type 2 are a consequence among these mechanisms.

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Diabetes type 2 is among the most common kind of diabetes, actually 10 times more common than diabetes type 1, where the insulin production is reduced or stopped. The disease usually appears after the age of 50, but the high sugar and fat consume in western countries nowadays also causes young persons to get the disease. Symptoms of diabetes type 2 come gradually. Signs and symptoms are.-sugar fitness-

  • Increased urine production
  • Dehydration, that is the lack of water in your body
  • Abnormal high thirst
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased appetite
  • Slow healing of physical injuries
  • Itching in the skin
  • Infections caused by yeasts
  • Impaired vision

Within the long turn, the disease can cause atherosclerosis with blood vessel narrowing, heart disease and stroke.-sugar fitness-


The remedy for diabetes type 2 is most often diet with a low sugar amount and weight reduction. These measures will lighten the burden upon the blood sugar control regarding the body to ensure it manages to normalize the blood sugar levels. If this does not work good enough, medicines to lower the blood sugar is used.-sugar fitness-

If the insulin production is reduced, insulin injections are also used.

There are many also natural products into the market which can help to normalize the blood sugar level by diabetes type 2. Those products cannot heal the disease, but they can help the body to regulate the blood sugar. These items contain minerals which are working aspects of enzymes that stimulate the glucose metabolism in your body. They also contain herbs that have been used for a number of years in conventional medicine to regulate the glucose level and now have proven their effects in scientific studies.-sugar fitness-

sugar fitness

Cross Training For Fitness And Fatloss

The numbers on your scale do not indicate whether you are fit or fat. Far more significant than your total body weight is the composition of your body tissue. If a man’s fatty tissue is bigger than 14% up to 15% of his body mass, or if a woman’s is more than 20% to 22%, he or she is overweight, or more precisely, overfat.

A small amount of fat is needed for padding the internal organs and as insulation under the skin. Excess fat leads to such diseases as diabetes, gout, high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, and gallbladder problems. There are very few, very fat persons. The reason is that the fittest, not the fattest survive.

The problem now is focused on how to resolve the problem. The problem with most people who want to lose weight is that they have the propensity to concentrate more on getting those numbers lower than what they are seeing now. What happens next is that they strive harder to achieve a lower weight, according to the “ever reliable” result of the weighing scale.

It would be more important to think of the human body as a heat-exchange engine that works on the basic principles of energy physics. The caloric balance equals the total calorie intake minus the total calorie expenditure.

Some of the calories people ingest are used for basal metabolism. As people get old, their bodies require fewer calories for this basic upkeep. Some calories are excreted as waste products. Some go into “work metabolism,” the energy expenditure required for any physical activity.

Hence, if people take in more calories than are used by these functions, there is a definite caloric excess. By the laws of physics, energy is transformed rather than destroyed. In this case, each excess of 3,500 calories is changed into a pound of fat. If people want to reverse this process, they have to burn up 3,500 calories to lose a single pound.

Winning the War Against Fat

When you think of fighting fat with exercise, you probably think of hours of hard, sweaty exertion. If this is the case, then, you will not get any farther. This is because people who are so much into losing more by exerting more effort tend to get bored easily.

Why? Because experts contend that when people exert more effort than what they are capable of doing creates a tendency to develop weariness and ennui. Hence, they give up, stop doing their routine exercises, and end up sulking in the corner with a bag of chips that seems to have all the bad calories in this world.

Now, you might ask, “What should be done instead?” The answer: cross training.

After some intensive studies and experimentations, health experts were able to come up with the concept of incorporating cross training in order to overcome or break the monotony or dullness in an exercise program.

Cross training refers to the integration of diverse movements or activities into a person’s conventional exercise routine. The main purpose of incorporating cross training into an exercise program is to avoid overdoing excess muscle damages and to put a stop to an imminent boredom.

Three of the most commonly used activities whenever a person decides to engage into cross training are swimming, running, and cycling.

In cross training, distance is one way to extend your activity as your condition improves. For this reason, you need to traverse a measured distance.

If possible, swim the course and measure the distance. If you will be using a running track, such courses usually are a quarter-mile per lap for a complete circuit.

Cross training offers a variety of benefits for fitness and fatloss. It builds up the strength and endurance of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It has also some tranquilizing effect on the nerves, and it burns up calories as much as it makes your “losing weight” more bearable.

Cross training has three basic components:

1. Endurance exercises to condition the heart, lungs, and blood vessels and to induce relaxation. These begin with a careful planned walking and jogging regimen, depending on fitness level.

2. Exercises to strengthen the muscles, particularly those important to good posture. These include some activities that are selected to encourage some people who are already burnt out with a particular routine.

3. Exercises to improve joint mobility and prevent or relieve aches and pains. These consist of a series of static stretching positions that are safe and effective for most of the people who wish to try to lose some fat.

Indeed, cross training is a great way to modify the concept of exercising and losing fat without having to endure monotonous activities. In fact, the idea of exercising is to like what you are doing, hence, if you engage into cross training, you will be aware of it that you have already achieve your desired weight.

Boiled down, cross training is, certainly, one way of having fun.

cross training : Winning the War Against Fat

When you think of fighting fat with exercise, you probably think of hours of hard, sweaty exertion. If this is the case, then, you will not get any farther. This is because people who are so much into losing more by exerting more effort tend to get bored easily.

Why? Because experts contend that when people exert more effort than what they are capable of doing creates a tendency to develop weariness and ennui. Hence, they give up, stop doing their routine exercises, and end up sulking in the corner with a bag of chips that seems to have all the bad calories in this world.

Now, you might ask, “What should be done instead?” The answer: cross training.

After some intensive studies and experimentations, health experts were able to come up with the concept of incorporating cross training in order to overcome or break the monotony or dullness in an exercise program.

Cross training refers to the integration of diverse movements or activities into a person’s conventional exercise routine. The main purpose of incorporating cross training into an exercise program is to avoid overdoing excess muscle damages and to put a stop to an imminent boredom.

Three of the most commonly used activities whenever a person decides to engage into cross training are swimming, running, and cycling.

In cross training, distance is one way to extend your activity as your condition improves. For this reason, you need to traverse a measured distance.

If possible, swim the course and measure the distance. If you will be using a running track, such courses usually are a quarter-mile per lap for a complete circuit.

Cross training offers a variety of benefits for fitness and fatloss. It builds up the strength and endurance of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. It has also some tranquilizing effect on the nerves, and it burns up calories as much as it makes your “losing weight” more bearable.

Cross training has three basic components:

1.   Endurance exercises to condition the heart, lungs, and blood vessels and to induce relaxation. These begin with a careful planned walking and jogging regimen, depending on fitness level.

2.   Exercises to strengthen the muscles, particularly those important to good posture. These include some activities that are selected to encourage some people who are already burnt out with a particular routine.

3.   Exercises to improve joint mobility and prevent or relieve aches and pains. These consist of a series of static stretching positions that are safe and effective for most of the people who wish to try to lose some fat.

Indeed, cross training is a great way to modify the concept of exercising and losing fat without having to endure monotonous activities. In fact, the idea of exercising is to like what you are doing, hence, if you engage into cross training, you will be aware of it that you have already achieve your desired weight.

Boiled down, cross training is, certainly, one way of having fun.

fitness,cross training,fitness,fitness,cross training,fitness

With the busy lifestyles today few adults with families can afford to take the time necessary to go the health club or neighborhood gym on a regular basis.  Heck, even if it's within a short distance, we're talking about several hours commitment per session.  Who has time for that!?

Still, we all recognize that exercise is just downright good for you.  If you name any random 10 medical conditions and diseases, I'm willing to bet money that some form of frequent exercise is a good treatment or preventative measure for at least 9 of them.  Diet and exercise pop up as treatments and preventative measures in so many of the diseases that ail us today, and both of these areas are a good place to focus on if your concerned about your health.  Even just some simple walking for exercise can go a long way to improving your health.  Walking for exercise is fun, easy, and is a great stress reducer but more on that in a minute.

Another idea is that of home gym equipment.  now we're not talking about enough equipment to fill up the basement or several bedrooms.  What you want is something that you enjoy that can be done in the privacy of your home whenever you desire.  My son, who's working on his muscle tone has a resistance weight training program with 1 piece of equipment.  The wife likes the aerobic action of a small trampoline and treadmill.  The idea of home gym equipment need not be a daunting enterprise, just something that will save hours and allow the exercise program that your desire right from your own home.  Another great workout however is simply walking!

The great thing about walking for exercise is that you can do it anywhere.  You have absolutely no excuse for not getting up and walking around for at least 30 minutes a day.  So it’s raining out?  Take an umbrella!  Seriously, just get out for a short walk around the block a couple times and you'll thank yourself for it later.  If its absolutely miserable out, just walking around your house or apartment a while is better than nothing.

Walking for exercise is extremely low impact, and so anyone of any age can do it safely and frequently without worrying about damaging themselves.  Running and other more strenuous forms of exercise can cause all kinds of joint pain and soreness, and isn't recommended unless you are in otherwise good shape.

A lot of recent studies into different forms of exercise are showing that walking is every bit as good for you as running or other more vigorous exercises, you just need to do it longer.  If you are walking for exercise, go for at least 30 minutes or even an hour.  The more the better, as you can't hurt yourself by walking too much.

There are a lot of exercise programs that are beginning to realize the benefits of walking for exercise.  As it is something virtually anyone that can walk can do, there is a huge target market for walking programs.  I'd recommend any program that motivates you to walk frequently.  Even without one, there are hiking and walking clubs all over the place to join.  Not only can walking for exercise be a way to maintain good health, but it can be a good way to meet new people and form new networks.

With so many benefits and virtually no cons, you can't go wrong with walking for exercise.  Its only drawback is that it takes time to do, but it is time well spent.  What is the value of good health and longevity?  Add on a favorite piece of gym equipment and you have everything needed to develop a healthy workout and exercise program without the inconvenience of going to the gym all the time.

walking for exercise walking for exercise walking for exercise walking for exercise 
walking for exercise walking for exercise walking for exercise walking for exercise

fitness steps:10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism

Are you sluggish and low on energy? Do you feel like you work and work toward your weight loss goal and never seem to make any dramatic improvement?

You can be suffering from a slow metabolism. And even however you have a slow metabolism, it does not need to destroy your weight reduction efforts. You can dramatically develop your metabolism, and boost your energy levels without taking supplements.

Your metabolism simply refers to the conversion of food to usable energy by the body. This is the biological process, by which energy is extracted from food, and the net result is how fast or slowly the body burns those calories.

A number of steps you may take to improve your metabolism naturally are:

Fitness Steps 1, Drink Water:

 – Water is great to drink and you should be drinking a minimum of 8 to 10, glasses daily, of course, more is better. It will help raise your metabolism and flush out sodium, toxins, and fat. Drinking water before meals will fill your stomach so you feel full and prevent overeating. Avoid excess colas, coffee, teas, and sugary juices. Caffeine will dehydrate you, as well as the sugar will do more damage than good within the long-run.

Fitness Steps 2, Eat Every Three Hours:

 – Eat a little balanced meal every three hours, including snacks. Meals and snacks ought to be balanced, meaning they should contain a complete protein, carbohydrates, along with natural fat. Failure to eat consistently can result in a slower metabolism and fat storage. Also, skipping meals slows down your metabolism. To ignite fat loss you need to be consuming the right foods in a balanced manner during the day.

Fitness Steps 3, Don’t avoid Breakfast:

 – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gets your metabolism running in high gear. You wouldn’t drive the car to function on an empty tank, and you shouldn’t start your day without adequate nourishment. Your first meal sets your metabolism for the day and keeps it going, as long as you eat every three hours. Should you decide get up early and eat a late breakfast, you miss out on several hours of burning calories.

Fitness Steps 4, Don’t Fear Fat:

 – Fat has developed a bad reputation. Many folk think fat makes you fat. This really is false. The type of fat and just just how much fat you eat impacts the body fat composition. Fat is needed regarding the body. Those whom follow a tremendously low-fat diet have a harder time ridding their body of fat. Pick natural healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, various nuts, flax, and natural peanut butter to get your necessary fats.

Fitness Steps 5, Omit Trans Fat:

 – Trans fat is the bad fat, the cause of weight gain, low energy, depression, cancer, and cardiovascular illnesses. You will never obtain the body you desire by eating “healthy” fast food, frozen dinners, along with other processed choices. If it’s man-made, it’s not the greatest choice, and can halt fat loss endeavors. Eat the meals Mother Nature has provided to meet your fat loss goals.

Fitness Steps 6, Be Active Daily:

 – Stay active at least six days a week. Take the stairs when possible or park further off to get which bit of extra movement to keep the heart and lungs working optimally. The greater movement you may get daily, the better you will definitely feel overall.

Fitness Steps 7, Do Cardiovascular Exercise:

 – Cardio exercise is necessary for heart and lung health. It also burns calories. Doing cardio very first thing into the morning on an empty stomach can tap into fat outlets, and keep your body burning calories at a high rate for more or less an hour after cardio is settled. Should you decide fail to eat adequately daily, first morning cardio on an empty stomach can work against you. Doing morning cardio on very low calorie diet can burn muscle. Another good time to incorporate cardio is in the evening after your last meal. This enables one to burn calories so you are not sleeping on them. You don’t have to implement a morning and evening session, select one or the other or cycle amongst the 2 to prevent staleness and boredom.

Fitness Steps 8, HIIT It:

 – Blend some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your cardiovascular program from time for you time for you to give the body and metabolism a good shock. Your body is programmed for adaptation. Therefore, doing the same cardio format day in and day out may become stale really fast. Take one or 2 days a week and implement some HIIT to provide the body an added shock.

HIIT is basically alternating low intensity and moderate to high intensity cardio training. For example, a 20 minute HIIT session would look similar to this:

  Minute 1 and 2: – Low Intensity (Walking) Minute 3 and 4 – High Intensity (Light jogging or running) Minute 5 and 6 – Low Intensity Minute 7 and 8 – High Intensity and so forth…

Fitness Steps 9, Weight Train:

 – Resistance training builds muscle, which is metabolically active tissue. The greater muscle you acquire, the faster your metabolism may likely be. Adding more lean muscle tissue to your body will put curves within the right places and lets you eat more calories on a regular basis.

Fitness Steps 10,Listen to Your Body:

 – Killing yourself with workouts is just as dangerous as not working out after all. Listen to your body and get proper rest. Don’t train if you are ill, still sore through the previous workout, or just simply too tired. Training in such a state can cause more problems than it solves.

If any regarding the above fails to prove results in 4 to 6 weeks, there could be an underlying problem, such as a food allergy, sluggish thyroid, hormonal imbalance, toxins, parasites, etc. If so, I recommend looking for a natural healer in your area to look for the cause. and work after that. For one particular part, proper diet, detoxifying, and herbs can correct any ailments.

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Fitness Steps,Fitness Steps,Fitness Steps,Fitness Steps,Fitness Steps,Fitness Steps

7 Tips To Get Calories Out Of Restaurant Food

When I eat out I want it to be special, consequently I don’t eat out often. You may have seen the advice on how to shave calories at restaurants but really, are you wanting to pay high restaurant prices for undressed salads and plain steamed vegetables? If not, how then can you solve the dilemma of too many calories when you eat out?

Here are seven tips for getting the calories out of restaurant meals while still ordering your favorites.

1. Say NO to super sizing. The size you ordered is already too big. Stop super sizing and you’ll save money. Better still, order one dinner and ask for an extra plate. Many restaurants will do this for a dollar or two, and it’s well worth it. Then share the meal with your friend and you split the cost straight down the middle. Another option is to order from the so called “appetizer” menu. Two people could order three entrees, one dessert and split the whole thing and it’s still a ton of food!

2. Skip the bread and rolls. Many family restaurants still serve a bread basket with your meal. Unless it’s a fresh baked loaf or some really special bread, just skip it. You don’t need to fill up on ordinary bread when you’re paying good money for a meal. Just ask for it to be taken away if you can’t resist, but frankly, you’re an adult, you can resist, if you want to. You can simply choose not to put a roll on your plate. Try it, just once and see if you don’t walk out of that restaurant feeling strangely powerful. 

If you can’t skip the rolls, at least skip the butter. That’s right. Eat it plain. Whole grain bread is delicious all by itself. 

3. Stop Ordering Drinks. Soft drinks are a huge cash cow for restaurants. For pennies they sell you a squirt of syrup and carbonated water and act like they’re doing you a big favor by only charging you $1.29 for a giant 64 ounce soda. Start saving those dollars. Especially if you’re ordering “to go” skip the drink. If you’re eating it there, ask for water, or at least switch to diet drinks. Never drink “fat pop.” 

4. Slow Down You Eat Too Fast! What’s the rush? Take your time, savor the moment, enjoy the flavors. A big part of getting in touch with your hunger signals and learning to eat what really will satisfy is learning to recognize the subtle signs of hunger. You won’t know when you’re approaching satisfaction if you’ve gobbled everything down in five minutes. Take a bite then notice how many times do you chew before you start wanting to swallow? Once, twice? Make an effort to chew your food and your body will be much happier. A very large part of digestion begins in your mouth, not to mention you’ll get much more pleasure if you let the food linger. 

5. Trim Visible Fat and Skin. I know, you really love the skin–of course you do, it tastes good, it should, it’s pure fat. Do you want to get leaner, or do you want to eat fat? You choose. I never eat chicken skin and never eat the visible fat hanging off a steak, good taste or no. You have to decide what you want more, the second’s worth of pleasure of a yummy taste, or a lifetime of carrying around an extra 40 lbs? I know this is counter to the low carb crowd’s belief that fat is good, carbs are evil, but I’ve maintained an 80 pound weight loss for 18 years without dieting and I don’t eat visible fat or skin. Enough said. 

6. Ask for a Doggie Bag at the Beginning of Meal. When the food is served, immediately portion off some to take home for tomorrow. Most restaurants in the US serve way too much. There is no law you have to eat it all. Do this frequently and soon you’ll find you’re getting an extra lunch out of that meal. 

7. Get a copy of Restaurant Confidential by Michael F. Jacobson and Jayne Hurley, and start checking out how many calories you’re really eating. If you eat out frequently and you carry extra weight, then that’s probably the problem right there. This little book can help you realize why it seems you don’t eat that much yet you can’t lose any weight. Hardees recently introduced a new burger that clocks in at just under 1200 calories all by itself! Now that’s frightening. 

If you really want to get a handle on your weight problem, look first to where you eat, second at what you eat, and third how much you eat. Where, What and How Much? Try these steps choosing one tip at a time, and see how easily you can take some of the calories out of restaurant food.

Yoga Position for beginners:The Top 5 Yoga Positions

             Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners

             Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners,

Often times the right information can change a person’s life. This happened with me and yoga.

There are a lot of yoga positions and poses that is built to enhance posture.

All things considered, yoga positions possess a lot of advantage such that it aims to improve our condition and give us a straight figure.

Occasionally, we might not take notice our selves in a crooked figure. If we practice that for a long period and not do anything about it, await to have a crooked bone in the future.

Although it is true, yoga positions for beginners are good to strengthen our

body giving focus to the thighs, knees and the ankles. If you get uses to practicing yoga positions for beginners everyday, it is expected that your bones react immediately.

Under certain circumstances, the belly and the backside is considered a important turn on for both genders. For the male, it is ideal to retain up a passable abdomen of the abs. This makes it more appealing to the women.

Having a good butt matters to several women too, a lot of them are practicing in order to acquire a lot of figure and shape in their body.

Yoga positions amazingly relieve sciatica. These are some pain that cannot be prevented. If you do yoga once in a while and even regularly, perhaps you will not see any back or muscle pain.

Here are some techniques on how to maintain a good yoga position for beginners .

Just follow these steps in order for you to entirely comprehend yoga positions for beginners  and be capable to execute it in the proper way.

Yoga Position for beginners  Number One:

You have to stand with the bases of your big toes touching and the heels have to be slightly apart.

You must lift and spread your toes slowly and the balls of your feet too. Then after, you want to lay them softly down on the floor. Rock yourself back and forth and even side to side.

You may gradually reduce this swaying to maintain a halt, with your weight balanced evenly on your feet.

Yoga Position for beginners  Number 2:

Flex your thigh muscles and then lifting the knee caps is next. Do it without hardening your lower belly. Lift the inside ankles to make stronger the internal arches, then picture a line of energy all the way up along your inner thighs up to your groins. From there through the core of your neck, torso, and head, and out through the crown of your head. You should turn the upper thighs slowly inward. Make your tailbone longer toward the floor and raise the pubis in the direction of the navel.

Yoga Position for beginners  Number 3:

Drive your shoulder blades backwards, then broaden them crossways and discharge them down your back. Without roughly pushing your lower front ribs forward, lift the top of your sternum straight toward the ceiling. Broaden your collarbones. Suspend your arms alongside the torso.

Yoga Position for beginners  Number 4:

You should balance the crown of your head unswervingly over the middle of your pelvis, with the base of your chin analogous to the floor, throat soft, and the tongue broad and plane on the floor of your mouth. Make your eyes look softer.

Yoga Position for beginners  Number 5:

Tadasana is usually the primary yoga position for all the standing poses. Applying the Tansana is beneficial especially in applying the poses. Staying in the pose for 30 seconds up to 1 minute, then breathing easily keeps it acceptable.

Just follow these clear figures and you are sure that you are doing the right yoga positions.

Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners
Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners,Yoga Position for beginners

Health: Weight Reduction: Just How and Why You Shouldn’t Have to Go Even So It Alone

Are you a woman who is looking to get rid of weight? Whether you may be interested in losing weight to improve your physical appearance, your wellbeing, or both, you might be feeling a little bit hopeless. While most women are able to reduce weight once they wish to do so, others have a little bit harder time. If you are finding it difficult to drop some weight, it might be because you are trying to go about losing weight all on your own.

With regards to weight reduction, there are many numerous women who find it easier, as well as less embarrassing, to doing their own weight reduction program from home. While it is much more than possible to exercise and workout on your own, do you know which you don’t have to? In fact, many women whom possess a workout partner or a workout buddy find it much easier to lose weight than going at it along. 2 popular reasons as to why those who have a workout partner or a workout buddy see success is basically because of support and motivation.

As nice as it is to hear which you should think about getting a workout buddy or a workout partner, to aid you exercise and also to guide you to drop some weight, you might be wondering where that person may come from. Unfortunately, more and more women try not to recognize that they don’t actually have to look very far. If you should be married or you have a romantic partner, you might want to think about asking them to join you. Whether or not your partner isn’t a fan of exercising and working out, you may place a “high quality time,” spin on it. In fact, in the event your partner is a little bit overweight or away from shape themselves, they might even would you like to join you in your weight reduction adventures. This is actually the ultimate show of support.

In addition to a romantic partner, you might want to think about asking any of your friends or family members if they would want to be your workout buddy or workout partner. When approaching your mates or family members, you should not pay attention to their weight or their physical appearance. Unfortunately, many women result in the mistake of assuming that individuals that they know which are already in perfect shape wouldn’t have any reason to exercise, however you can be surprised. For which reason, you are advised to ask any mates or family members that you know to join you after you workout.

If you have asked those you know to join you as a workout buddy or a workout partner and you have still come up empty handed, you may want to consider joining a weight loss program. Locally operated weight loss programs are ideal, as you often get membership perks, like access to proven exercises, as well as healthy meals. Another benefit to joining a locally operated weight reduction program is the support from other members. There is a high probability that one or more of your other weight reduction program members would like to join you when you exercise.

If and at the time you get a workout buddy, it may be a beneficial idea to “spice up,” your exercises a bit. By way of example, you may want to let your workout buddy or partner choose your exercises or activities for one day and then chances are you pick for the next. This might help to help keep your exercises fun and exciting.

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- Your Weight Loss Surgery Options
- Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: May They Really Work?
- 10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism
- Weight Loss Pills: Should You Might Use Them?
- What are the Best Weight reduction Program for You

What are the Best Weight reduction Program for You

Will you be looking to lose weight? If you are, you are interested in joining a weight loss program. As it pertains to joining a weight reduction program, you will find which you have a wide range of different options. If this is certainly your first time joining a weight reduction program, you may well be unsure as to what you should try to find in a weight reduction program. If which is the outcome, you should continue reading on.

One in the best techniques to go about finding the perfect weight loss program for yourself is to ask yourself a wide range of important questions. One of the primary questions which you should ask yourself is just how much time you must devote to weight loss meetings. If you were to join a local weight loss program, you would likely be required to attend weekly meeting. Whether you will be busy with your family or busy at your workplace, you may not have the time for you do so. In which case, you need to look into joining an on the net weight reduction program, as they are often designed for those with busy schedules.

Another question that you like to ask yourself, when looking to find the most perfect weight reduction program is your willpower. Should you join an internet weight loss program, you may be given more freedom, as you do not need to physically report to meetings and response to group leaders. While this freedom is nice, it has allowed numerous hopeful individuals to go off track. Should you not believe that you could possibly stick with your on the net weight reduction program goals and instructions, it might probably be better to join a local weight reduction program instead.

Another one regarding the numerous questions that you may would you like to ask yourself, when searching for a weight loss program to join, is how much money you need to spend. While it is possible to find free weight loss programs, both locally or on the net, it is quite rare. In your research for weight reduction programs, there are which they have a number of membership fees. Commonly, you will find that on the net weight loss programs are cheaper than locally operated weight reduction programs. If you should be on a budget, the price of each weight reduction program that you come upon should play a big role in your decision.

You should also ask yourself if you should be embarrassed with your current weight or your physical appearance. Although you ought to have nothing to be ashamed of, you may still feel that way. If which is the outcome, you may well be afraid of attending local weight loss meetings. Of course, you need to remember which everyone else in your meetings is likely feeling the same way, but you don’t need to put yourself in an awkward situation. If you are concerned with your appearance or what others may think of you, you might want to look into joining an internet weight reduction program instead.

The above mentioned questions are just a few in the numerous which you should ask yourself if you are interested in joining a weight loss program. While there are many many a number of benefits to joining a locally operated weight reduction program, along with an on the internet weight loss program, you need to make the decision which is best for you and your own needs.

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- Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: May They Really Work?
- Health: Weight Reduction: Just How and Why You Shouldn’t Have to Go Even So It Alone
- Weight Loss Pills: Should You Might Use Them?
- Your Weight Loss Surgery Options

Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: May They Really Work?

Are you looking to get rid of weight? If you are, you’ve probably used the net to research weight loss products. When many of us think of weight loss product, diet pill are often the first thing that comes to mind. While diet pills may be able to assist you achieve your weight loss goals, diet pills are not the only weight reduction product that you may like to look into. A large number of individuals have successfully used colon cleanses, also commonly referred to as weight reduction cleanses, to get rid of weight and you may like to think about doing the same.

When considering to using colon cleanses to reduce weight, you will find many individuals, possibly just like you, whom wonder how the whole process works. Prior to understanding just how colon cleanses may help you drop some weight, you should keep in mind that there may be a variance. You will find numerous colon cleanses that advertise they are designed to aid you lose weight. These types of colon cleanses are also commonly referred to as weight loss cleanses. With which in mind, there are colon cleanses that advertise they are not guaranteed to help you lose weight, and even nevertheless some of them may.

When using a colon cleanse, it is important which you follow all of the instructions given to you. For example, there are a few colon cleanses that require you don’t eat anything for one or 2 days. These forms of colon cleanses are often ones which are in liquid format. The colon cleanses in pill format may request which you only eat and drink certain products, like fruits and vegetables. If you buy a colon cleanse that asks to you personally restrict your diet, you may be advised to do so. This diet restriction is really what makes it possible so which you could lose weight, as well as let the colon cleanse to properly work.

In case you use a colon cleanse, you are essentially detoxifying, your body. The colon cleanse may strive to push toxins out from your colon and quite often even your intestines. It isn’t only ideal to advertise an great wellbeing, however it may help you drop some weight. It was said which the average person has anywhere from four to eight pounds of stored waste in their body. When using a colon cleanse, which extra waste is going to be expelled from the body. This may be why many individuals are able to reduce weight with a colon cleanse.

If you’re able to use a rapid colon cleanse, like one which works in three to seven days, you may possibly notice a rapid weight loss. You will find some individuals whom use colon cleanses to quickly lose some weight before a special event like a wedding or a holiday. Although you may be able to achieve rapid weight reduction with a colon cleanse, it is necessary which you proceed with caution. Should you not replace the way which you eat or add exercise to your daily activities, you may see your weight add back on it as little as a few weeks or a few days. This typically occurs if you were asked to restrict your diet when using a colon cleanse. Even even so you try not to need to keep up with your restricted diet, you may be advised to reduce your junk food intake and begin a daily or at least a weekly exercise program.

Since it is more than possible so that you could lose some weight with a colon cleanse, you might be interested in giving one a go. When looking to buy a colon cleanse, you may well be able to find them available for sale in conventional department stores, fitness shops, and health outlet stores, both on and offline. Prior to buying a colon cleanse, you might want to search for product reviews on the net or speak with a healthcare professional. This will help to make certain which you when you do buy a colon cleanse that your particular cash is well spent.

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- Your Weight Loss Surgery Options
- Health: Weight Reduction: Just How and Why You Shouldn’t Have to Go Even So It Alone
- Weight Loss Pills: Should You Might Use Them?
- What are the Best Weight reduction Program for You

10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism

Are you sluggish and low on energy? Do you feel like you work and work toward your weight loss goal and never seem to make any dramatic improvement?

You can be suffering from a slow metabolism. And even however you have a slow metabolism, it does not need to destroy your weight reduction efforts. You can dramatically develop your metabolism, and boost your energy levels without taking supplements.

Your metabolism simply refers to the conversion of food to usable energy by the body. This is the biological process, by which energy is extracted from food, and the net result is how fast or slowly the body burns those calories.

A number of steps you may take to improve your metabolism naturally are:

Drink Water – Water is great to drink and you should be drinking a minimum of 8 to 10, glasses daily, of course, more is better. It will help raise your metabolism and flush out sodium, toxins, and fat. Drinking water before meals will fill your stomach so you feel full and prevent overeating. Avoid excess colas, coffee, teas, and sugary juices. Caffeine will dehydrate you, as well as the sugar will do more damage than good within the long-run.

Eat Every Three Hours – Eat a little balanced meal every three hours, including snacks. Meals and snacks ought to be balanced, meaning they should contain a complete protein, carbohydrates, along with natural fat. Failure to eat consistently can result in a slower metabolism and fat storage. Also, skipping meals slows down your metabolism. To ignite fat loss you need to be consuming the right foods in a balanced manner during the day.

Don’t avoid Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day because it gets your metabolism running in high gear. You wouldn’t drive the car to function on an empty tank, and you shouldn’t start your day without adequate nourishment. Your first meal sets your metabolism for the day and keeps it going, as long as you eat every three hours. Should you decide get up early and eat a late breakfast, you miss out on several hours of burning calories.

Don’t Fear Fat – Fat has developed a bad reputation. Many folk think fat makes you fat. This really is false. The type of fat and just just how much fat you eat impacts the body fat composition. Fat is needed regarding the body. Those whom follow a tremendously low-fat diet have a harder time ridding their body of fat. Pick natural healthy fats such as olive oil, avocados, various nuts, flax, and natural peanut butter to get your necessary fats.

Omit Trans Fat – Trans fat is the bad fat, the cause of weight gain, low energy, depression, cancer, and cardiovascular illnesses. You will never obtain the body you desire by eating “healthy” fast food, frozen dinners, along with other processed choices. If it’s man-made, it’s not the greatest choice, and can halt fat loss endeavors. Eat the meals Mother Nature has provided to meet your fat loss goals.

Be Active Daily – Stay active at least six days a week. Take the stairs when possible or park further off to get which bit of extra movement to keep the heart and lungs working optimally. The greater movement you may get daily, the better you will definitely feel overall.

Do Cardiovascular Exercise – Cardio exercise is necessary for heart and lung health. It also burns calories. Doing cardio very first thing into the morning on an empty stomach can tap into fat outlets, and keep your body burning calories at a high rate for more or less an hour after cardio is settled. Should you decide fail to eat adequately daily, first morning cardio on an empty stomach can work against you. Doing morning cardio on very low calorie diet can burn muscle. Another good time to incorporate cardio is in the evening after your last meal. This enables one to burn calories so you are not sleeping on them. You don’t have to implement a morning and evening session, select one or the other or cycle amongst the 2 to prevent staleness and boredom.

HIIT It – Blend some High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) into your cardiovascular program from time for you time for you to give the body and metabolism a good shock. Your body is programmed for adaptation. Therefore, doing the same cardio format day in and day out may become stale really fast. Take one or 2 days a week and implement some HIIT to provide the body an added shock.

HIIT is basically alternating low intensity and moderate to high intensity cardio training. For example, a 20 minute HIIT session would look similar to this:

Minute 1 and 2 – Low Intensity (Walking) Minute 3 and 4 – High Intensity (Light jogging or running) Minute 5 and 6 – Low Intensity Minute 7 and 8 – High Intensity and so forth…

Weight Train – Resistance training builds muscle, which is metabolically active tissue. The greater muscle you acquire, the faster your metabolism may likely be. Adding more lean muscle tissue to your body will put curves within the right places and lets you eat more calories on a regular basis.

Listen to Your Body – Killing yourself with workouts is just as dangerous as not working out after all. Listen to your body and get proper rest. Don’t train if you are ill, still sore through the previous workout, or just simply too tired. Training in such a state can cause more problems than it solves.

If any regarding the above fails to prove results in 4 to 6 weeks, there could be an underlying problem, such as a food allergy, sluggish thyroid, hormonal imbalance, toxins, parasites, etc. If so, I recommend looking for a natural healer in your area to look for the cause. and work after that. For one particular part, proper diet, detoxifying, and herbs can correct any ailments.

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- Your Weight Loss Surgery Options
- Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: May They Really Work?
- Health: Weight Reduction: Just How and Why You Shouldn’t Have to Go Even So It Alone
- Weight Loss Pills: Should You Might Use Them?
- What are the Best Weight reduction Program for You

Your Weight Loss Surgery Options

Are you looking to shed weight? If you are, you likely already know that you have a number of different options. As an instance, you are able to go about losing weight naturally, aided by the utilization of exercise and healthy eating. You can also shed weight with the assistance of weight reduction products, like diet pills. Another option that you have is weight reduction surgery. Although all regarding the previous weight loss strategies are popular, weight reduction surgery is rapidly increasing in popularity.

If you find yourself interested in undergoing weight loss surgery, you are not alone. As previously mentioned, weight reduction surgery is increasing in popularity. Should you decide have never considered weight loss surgery before, you might be wondering what all of your options are. While there are a number of different weight reduction surgical procedures that you can actually undergo, there are there are two main procedures. These procedures, which include gastric bypass surgery and lap-band surgery, are outlined below.

Gastric bypass surgery is a weight loss surgery which involves the stapling regarding the stomach. That is why this process is also commonly referred to as stomach stapling. When undergoing gastric bypass surgery, your surgeon will portion off a few of your stomach, making a smaller pouch. Your intestine will then be rerouted, making it to ensure that your food consumption only impacts a portion of your stomach. This will be what makes it possible for you shed weight with gastric bypass surgery.

Although gastric bypass surgery is a fantastic weight loss surgery to endure, it isn’t right for everyone. Most physicians require their patients to be around eighty pounds or more overweight. In some rare instances, those who happen to be not as much as eighty pounds overweight are able to endure gastric bypass surgery if their health is at risk or when they have other medical problems, such as diabetes.

As previously stated, lap-band surgery is another weight reduction surgery that will be increasing in popularity. Lap-band surgery is similar to gastric bypass surgery. When undergoing lap-band surgery, your stomach pouch is made smaller. One of the few differences would be that your stomach is not stapled, but an adjustable band is used. That will be one of the reasons why lap-band surgery is really so popular, as the band used can be completely removed or easily adjusted.

Lap-band surgery and gastric bypass surgery are not the only weight reduction surgeries available to you, however they are two regarding the most popular. Thousands of Americans have undergone these two weight reduction surgeries. For many individuals individuals, weight reduction surgery is a last resort. Many whom undergo weight reduction surgery have never had success with losing weight any other way. If you are interested in undergoing a weight reduction surgical procedure, you will definitely want to speak with your physician.

Among the many reasons why it is important to speak with your doctor or another healthcare professional is because weight loss surgery isn’t right for everyone. In addition to being at the “right,” weight, you also need to have the willpower to reduce your food consumption. If you eat too much food, namely too much food for your stomach to hold, you may not just harm your weight reduction progress, but you can also put your health at risk. That is why your weight loss surgery decision is not one that you are able to make alone; it can be a that has to be made in conjunction with a healthcare professional.

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- 10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism
- Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: May They Really Work?
- Health: Weight Reduction: Just How and Why You Shouldn’t Have to Go Even So It Alone
- Weight Loss Pills: Should You Might Use Them?
- What are the Best Weight reduction Program for You

Weight Loss Pills: Should You Might Use Them?

Have you been trying to lose weight because of the utilization of exercise and healthy eating? If you have, have you still been coming up short on your own weight loss goal? If you have, you might be interested in seeking help through the use of weight loss products, namely weight reduction pills. Although you might be thinking about giving weight loss pills a chance, you might be wondering if you should.

With regards to determining whether or not weight reduction pills are right for you, you will find an amount of different questions that you should ask yourself. These questions makes it possible to truly see whether weight reduction pills are right for you. A few of the many questions that you can want to think about, concerning weight loss pills, are outlined below.

One of several numerous questions that you should think about is should you decide have really tired losing weight. Losing weight “naturally,” often involves exercise and healthy eating. Have you been exercising? Exercising can involve visiting your local fitness center, putting an exercise video in your DVD player, or something as easy as taking a nightly walk. Eating healthy involves cutting all sweets from your diet or at least significantly reducing them. Should you decide haven’t taken these steps yet, you can want to first try losing weight naturally. If that doesn’t work, weight loss diet pills can be something so that you could consider.

Although you will find a variety of reasons for putting on weight, one in the most common reasons involves eating too much food. Should you decide regularly find yourself eating more food than you should or more food than you want to, why should you think that you simply do so? Are you just eating because you are bored or does your body sense that you are hungry? This really is important question that you need to answer, as numerous weight loss pills are made to suppress your hunger. Although this often helps many individuals reduce the amount of food that they eat and the amount of calories they take in, it will only let you should you decide think that your particular body is telling you that you are still hungry. Should you decide are what is commonly referred to as a “bored eater,” there is a beneficial chance that you are going to still continue to eat.

Another question that you may need to inquire about yourself is whenever you can afford the costs of weight reduction pills. When examining the cost of weight reduction pills, you are going to find which they are sold for a wide array of prices. Although it is important to make certain that you can pay for the cost of weight reduction pills, it is important that you do not comprise high quality for costs. If you cannot afford the weight loss pills that come highly rated and recommend, you can just end up wasting your money on weight loss pills that might not necessarily work. That is why it is advised that you talk to your doctor or search for weight reduction diet pill reviews online, before making any purchases.

The above mentioned questions are a few regarding the numerous that you can like to ask yourself, before you automatically go out and purchase weight reduction pills for yourself. As a reminder, it is necessary that you simply do the proper amount of research if your wanting to buy weight reduction pills, should you decide to do so. Weight loss diet pills are not all created equally; therefore, they have varying results.

Related articles :

- 10 Steps on Improving Your Metabolism
- Colon Cleanses to Lose Weight: May They Really Work?
- Health: Weight Reduction: Just How and Why You Shouldn’t Have to Go Even So It Alone
- Your Weight Loss Surgery Options
- What are the Best Weight reduction Program for You

Fitness Ball Exercises : What Are the Benefits of Using a Stability Ball ?

Fitness Ball Exercises:

If there is one equipment you should not miss in your training, it is the stability ball. The market comes up with new training tools every now and then. Yet you are not sure if they do work and if they are safe. So for one that is guaranteed to work, use the stability ball.

Fitness Ball Exercises,What Is a Stability Ball ?

This is a large and inflatable ball used as an exercise equipment. Despite being air-filled, it is generally heavy-duty and capable to hold 600 to 700 pounds of weight. It is comfortable and gives good support. It perfectly suits the trainee as it easily goes with the structure of the body.

This exercise tool is also sometimes called as the physioball or the Swiss Ball.

The good thing about using the stability ball is it reduces the perception of ‘working’ in training, especially for beginners. It gives some element of ‘play’ as you get rough with the training. It adds some fun and excitement as you advance in the movements and techniques.

Another good point with the ball is that it can be used by anybody. No fitness level is required. It is very portable and light weight, easy to bring along even when traveling. It is also inexpensive compared to other exercise equipment and it could last for a very long time.

Fitness Ball Exercises,How Stability Balls Came About?

The use of the stability balls for training can be traced in rehabilitation. As early as the 1900′s, physical therapists have been using balls in addressing the neurological disorders of their patients.

Then, in the early 1960′s, Aquilino Cosani, an Italian toy maker, made the ball and sold it, known then as the ‘Gymnastik.’ Two decades after, Cosani came up with a company called Gymnic and became the major supplier of the stability ball to most rehabilitation programs and centers.

The ball then shifted from the rehabilitation to the athletic area, in the 90′s. It was used to condition the body of professional athletes. From then on, the ball became very prominent in the fitness community.

At present medical specialists and fitness professionals very much recommend the use of the stability ball by the public. It serves more than solving physical problems. It is good in preventing you from having one.

Fitness Ball Exercises,What Are the Benefits of Using a Stability Ball?

The stability ball definitely is best to improve the strength of the abs and the lower-backs. It improves as well the functional strength, balance and flexibility of the body.

1. Fitness Ball Exercises,Proper Alignment:

Using the ball during training will test the body to make use of the different parts to maintain the proper balance. The dynamic movements during exercise will improve the natural motor reflexes of the body as different muscles are utilized in movement, especially the ones that are not usually used. The challenge posed by the ball is to maintain balance. As one aims to get the proper balance, the alignment of the body parts is also improved.

2. Fitness Ball Exercises,Great Abs:

For people working out to achieve great abs, this ball can definitely target the abdominal areas. The abs and the back muscles are simultaneously moved as you work in your balance. Just imagine the good feeling of having a flat stomach area and you will definitely love this ball.

3. Fitness Ball Exercises,Muscle Strength and Endurance:

The stability ball can help in alleviating any back pain and preventing one in the future. As all the major muscle groups are exercised, the muscle tone, strength and endurance are also improved. Thus it gives the body flexibility, stability and resistance.

4. Fitness Ball Exercises,Core Stability:

This concerns the major muscles that helps stabilize and support all of the body movements. This is made up of back and the deep abdominal muscles. With the ball, no matter how ‘deep’ or ‘into the core’ these muscles are, they are still exercised. This is something only the stability ball can guarantee.

5. Fitness Ball Exercises,Stretching:

The ball is a good companion during stretching exercises. With this, you can easily move into and move out of different stretching positions.

6. Fitness Ball Exercises,Losing Weight:

Of course, with all the good benefits of using the ball, you will not miss out on the aspect of losing weight. With regular exercises and trainings done with the stability ball, a person can lose some unwanted pounds as the body is firmed.

Health is definitely your most important asset. So do your regular exercises and maintain a healthy diet. Furthermore, have a happy and fun training with the stability ball.

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fitness ball exercises,fitness ball bxercises,fitness ball exercises,fitness ball exercises,fitness ball exercises

Diet comparison,The Low Down On Diet Comparison

Low carbs and high protein is the way to lose weight, or so you’ll hear from one diet guru, and he has the testimonials to back it up. Low fat, lots of carbs and fresh fruits and veggies, says another – and he’s got the back up from satisfied users, too. A third swears that you need to count the amount of sugar; another tells you the enemy is white flour – if you want to lose real weight and keep it off, who do you listen to?

Take a look at the brief summaries below for a quick overview of the pros and cons of each of the popular types of diet plans.
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Low Carb-Hi Protein Diets :

Diets like the Atkins, the South Beach and the Zone Diet all recommend restricted carbohydrates and allow liberal amounts of protein, including protein derived from animal sources. Generally, they limit the overall amount of carbohydrates, or teach you to differentiate between “good” and “bad” carbohydrates. Bad carbohydrates, which are forbidden, include white flour, white bread, and white sugar.

Pros: The diets all encourage learning healthy eating as part of losing weight. Deriving most of your daily calories from high fiber sources of carbs like leafy green vegetables and grains is generally considered the best diet for nutrition by the established medical community. The popularity of the diets makes it easy to find low-carb foods.

Cons: The allowance of eating all the protein and fats you like flies in the face of conventional medical wisdom. A diet high in saturated fats could lead to heart disease, diabetes, gout and other chronic health conditions. Following the diets’ cautions and advice to keep portions reasonable should mitigate that concern, though.
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Weight Loss “Programs” :

Jenny Craig, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers, SlimFast and a number of other weight loss programs rely heavily on pre-packaged ‘diet’ foods. They incorporate professional coaching, social structure and reinforcement.

Pros: The professional coaching and nutritional benefits are a big plus, as are the reinforcement and support aspect of the diets. Meals and supplements are prepackaged in the right proportions, and if you stick to the diets and exercise as directed you will lose weight.

Cons: The weekly fees and cost of meals can be expensive. In addition, if you rely completely on the packaged foods, you miss out on the re-education of your eating habits, which is important to maintaining any weight lost.
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The Real Mayo Clinic Diet : 

This is not the diet that has circulated for the past thirty or more years and purported to have originated at the Mayo Clinic! The true Mayo Clinic’s nutrition and diet center recommends a healthy eating weight loss plan based on limiting fats, proteins and carbohydrates, counting calories and deriving most of the daily nutrition from vegetables, grains and fruit.

Pros: There’s no ‘diet’. Instead, you’re encouraged to take control of your eating. Portion control and sensible balance of nutrients are the cornerstones of a weight loss plan that takes weight off gradually, and helps you keep it off permanently.

Cons: It may be difficult to stay on the diet. Counting calories and portions can be difficult if you’re eating out or on the run.

There are many diets that promise to take weight off quickly and painlessly, without exercise or changing your eating habits. The three major variations of diets above all will result in 1-2 pounds of loss per week, which most doctors believe is the optimum way to lose weight for long lasting results.

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Vitamin:Why are vitamins necessary for our health?

Vitamins are organic substances that are necessary for normal health and growth in both animals and humans. If a vitamin is absent from the diet, or we don't properly absorb it, a specific deficiency disease may develop.

Even worse, our entire body may start a decline that, over a period of years, may develop into a very serious disease such as, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc.

That there is a relationship between what we eat and specific disease was first noted by the Englishman William Fletcher in 1905 while researching the causes of the disease beriberi. He observed that the disease was prevented by eating unpolished rather than polished rice. He concluded that the husk of rice must have special nutrients, which we know today as vitamins.

Even before this discovery, fruits and vegetables were known to prevent and cure many diseases.  Even though what we now know as "vitamins" were unknown, many of their benefits were well recognized.

Even today English sailors are known as "Limeys" because, when limes were added to their diets, they no longer suffered from scurvy.

While vitamins prevent and cure some specific diseases, they also are necessary for virtually every function within our bodies.

Because of heavy advertising, we associate Vitamin C with preventing/fighting colds.  In truth, Vitamin C does not prevent or fight a cold.  It bolsters and strengthens our immune system which attacks the cold germs.

Vitamin C performs many other important functions within the body.  A major function is synthesis of hydroxyproline, an important component of collagen and, thereby, all connective tissues.

Vitamin C is essential for growth of cartilage, bone and teeth, and for wound healing.  It contributes to the structure of bones, muscles, and blood vessels.

Vitamin C helps support the immune system, aids amino acid metabolism and iron absorption.

Another vitamin - B6 - does not have a reputation as grand as Vitamin C yet it is as essential to good health.  Vitamin B6 cannot claim dramatic and immediate "cures" for diseases like scurvy, beriberi, or colds like other vitamins, but it is known as the master vitamin in processing amino acids.

It is estimated that 50% of Americans are deficient in Vitamin B6.

The same is true for virtually every vitamin.  Without a proper supply of vitamins, the body develops disease.

Some diseases, such as beriberi and scurvy, show up quickly and dramatically.

Other diseases, such as heart disease and cancer, take years to develop.  They go undetected for many years until it may be too late.

Because the body is a "closed system", vitamins, like every other nutrient, must come from the food we consume. The principal sources of vitamins are the fruits and vegetables we consume.

In 1936 the US Government released a report that clearly and emphatically stated that the soils used to grow our food products are so depleted of minerals that: "We know that vitamins are complex chemical substances which are indispensable to nutrition, and that each of them is of importance for normal function of some special structure in the body. Disorder and disease result from any vitamin deficiency. It is not commonly realized, however, that vitamins control the body's appropriation of minerals, and in the absence of minerals they have no function to perform. Lacking vitamins, the system can make some use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless."

Things have not improved in 70 years.  In fact, they have gotten much worse.

An entire industry has come into existence because of this fact.  Vitamins are consumed by 43% of Americans, yet we continue to suffer and die from preventable diseases that were unknown 50 years ago.

Research scientists have long recommended that nutritional supplements are absolutely essential to our health and wellbeing.  This is especially true when we consider our long term health.

And now the American Medical Association, in a significant break from its earlier position that vitamins only produce colored urine, agrees that every American needs to take nutritional supplements.

Not only are vitamins missing from the fruits and vegetables we consume, but antioxidants, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and fiber are also missing.

Nutritional supplements that provide only one, or a limited number of components, can provide a false feeling of wellbeing.

It is unrealistic to believe that the food we eat is lacking only one element needed by our body.

When the body lacks one component it probably lacks many, even most, simply because the source of the components is deficient.  Adding only one component to the diet not only ignores the fact that the basic diet is deficient but gives a false sense of security that we are correcting a health problem.

Super Foods For Super Health

We all hear about the many wonderful foods that are good to eat, and good for us. We always hear about eating fruits, and vegetables, and nuts. But that’s a big list to sort through, and wouldn’t it be simpler to have a few super foods that you can always turn to? To help you in your endeavors to lead a healthy lifestyle and a healthy life you can use the list compiled below as quick reference list of 9 super foods. These super foods and 14 others can be found in SuperFoods Health-Style, by Steven G. Pratt M.D.


Apples are a great food for many reasons including the ability to reduce the risk or heart disease, certain cancers, high blood pressure, and type-2 diabetes. They also benefit the respiratory system by preventing lung cancer and asthma.

By consuming apples your body gets fiber, potassium and antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and polyphenols. Studies show that the real benefit comes from the synergistic interaction between these ingredients.

To take best advantage of apples for your health, eat a wide variety and make sure that you eat the peel, which contains several times more antioxidants than the inside. As they say, eat an apple a day.


When you want to help you body absorb more nutrients from the foods you eat, have an avocado too. Fat soluble phytonutrients, like beta-carotene, are more easily absorbed by the body because of the monounsaturated fat in the avocado.

Avocados also help you keep your weight down because they help you feel full, which triggers your body to stop eating. They are calorie rich at 48 calories per ounce, so for best results eat one-third to one-half an avocado two to three times a week.

Dark Chocolate:

When you want a little indulgence with your health food, try dark chocolate. It contains lots of polyphenols which lower blood pressure and is a natural anti-inflammatory. You should keep in mind that blood pressure lowering qualities are only in dark chocolate, but not in its cousin, milk chocolate.

In 2000 a study published by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that the affect on blood flow from high flavonol cocoa was similar to taking a low-dose aspirin. These means that dark chocolate could possibly be used to treat ailments like minor pains or headaches.

For the best results use Newman’s Own Sweet Dart Chocolate, as Dr Pratt has found it has more polyphenols than any other dark chocolate he has found. Like avocado, chocolate is high in calories, so shoot for no more than 100 calories a day.

Olive Oil:

There has been much discussion lately about the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. Well olive oil is one of the main components of that diet and its benefits are outstanding. It is a great substitute for other oils and fats and has been shown to reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer, lower blood pressure, and improve the health of your cardiovascular system.

For best results take a tablespoon a day of extra virgin olive oil that is cold pressed and greenish in color. This green color helps you spot high levels of polyphenols.


Another component of the Mediterranean diet, Garlic is great for your cardiovascular system. By eating garlic regularly you can reduce your blood pressure, triglyceride levels and your LDL(bad) cholesterol. Garlic also has anti inflammatory agents and antibiotic properties.

To grab all the health benefits of garlic eat one clove several times a week. Raw garlic is best, but cooked is good too. Keep in mind that dried garlic and garlic supplements don’t have the same benefits as fresh garlic.


Honey is not often seen on many lists of healthy foods, but don’t let that fool you. Eating honey daily increases the amounts of antioxidant in the blood, helps to prevent constipation, and reduces cholesterol and blood pressure.

If you are running low on energy, reach for the honey, not sugar. Honey does a better job of maintaining blood sugar and energy than other sweeteners. And choose dark honeys over light ones, because they are higher in antioxidants and flavor. One to two teaspoons several times a week should do the trick.


If you want extreme quantities of Vitamin C and E that can reduce risk of asthma, osteoarthritis, and colon cancer, and boost your immune system, then grab a kiwi or two. An interesting point to keep in mind is that dietary vitamin E appears to lower the risk of Alzheimer’s, and by consuming kiwis, you get vitamin E without the calories that most other vitamin e rich foods contain, like nuts and oils.

Another stellar ingredient is lutein, which lowers the risk cataracts and macular degeneration. To get all the above benefits and reduce the risk of blood clots, then consume one kiwi, two to three times a week.


For the benefits of onions, you can just reread the benefits of garlic, because they are pretty much the same.

Try to eat dishes containing onions at least three times a week, and make sure that you let the onion sit for 5 to 10 minutes after you cut it open. If you apply heat too soon you will deactivate the thiopropanal sulfoxide, which is the substance in the onion that gives us the most heart benefits. And remember the more pungent the onion, the better it is for you.


Pomegranates are packed with tons of phytochemicals like potassium, which is great for lowering your blood pressure. Studies also suggest that pomegranates can slow the progression of prostate cancer and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.

Instead of fighting with the little pulpy seeds to get your dose of pomegranate, try four to eight ounces of 100% juice several times a week. Be sure to stay away from juices with added sugar.

The Truth About Fat In Foods

Fat has had a lot of bad press and for many people, just a mention of the word can evoke misery. You can try to lose it, try to hide it, try to avoid it, but your body still needs it! Did you know that fat helps to insulate our nerve cells, keeps us warm, balances our hormones, keeps skin and arteries supple, lubricates joints and is a component in every cell?

The key issue here is recognizing which type of fat your body needs, how much your body requires and which type is your enemy. Armed with the right information, you can focus on getting more of the good fats and less of the bad fats into your daily diet.

There are two types of fat to be aware of. Saturated fats - let's call them "the enemy" and unsaturated fats - "the good guys"! It is easy to tell the difference because saturated fats are hard at room temperature. Saturated fats are not essential to your health. They come from animals and are found in meat, eggs and cheese. They are harder to digest and full of cholesterol.

Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature and have been divided into two groups. Monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, and polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower oil. Polyunsaturated fats are split into Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fat (Omega 9) although not essential, is not harmful in moderation - a good quality (extra virgin first cold pressed) olive oil is a healthier alternative to the usual vegetable oil. Good sources of Omega 6: safflower oil, sunflower oil, evening primrose oil, walnut oil, pumpkin oil, sesame oil. Good sources of Omega 3 are mackerel, herring, salmon, pilchards, sardines, tuna and flax seed oil. Here are some important facts about fat in our diet.

1. Fat is the 'energy reserve' of animals, plants and humans.

2. The ideal body-fat ratio should be approximately 19-26% of a woman's body weight, and 12- 18% of a man's body weight.

3. There are two different types of body fat - brown and yellow. Brown fat is situated inside the body and is 'active', containing mitochondria that produce heat (thermogenesis) and as a result burn energy. Yellow fat is found nearer the surface, is less active and more likely to accumulate. Women tend to have a higher ratio of yellow fat than men.

4. Women need higher levels of fat because it is essential for reproduction and so the body stores it 'just in case'.

5. An average healthy intake of good fats in the diet should be approximately 30-40 grams a day. The fat content of diets in affluent populations can be nearly four times this amount!

6. Most foods containing fat combine saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat in varying quantities. For instance, butter's fat content is almost 100%, of which 60% is saturated, 30% monounsaturated and 10% polyunsaturated, compared with sunflower seeds' fat content of 73%, of which just 12% is saturated and 21% monounsaturated and 67% is polyunsaturated.

7. Heat, light and oxygen destroy essential fatty acids, which is why it is best to keep oils in dark containers.

8. Essential fats must come from the diet because your body cannot produce them. The essential healthy fats are Omega 3 and Omega 6 (known as essential fatty acids).

9. Weight for weight, fat provides more than twice the amount of usable energy than carbohydrates or protein (you'll find 9 calories in every gram of fat).

10. Fat contributes to the palatability, texture and the smell of many foods, it also slows down the process of digestion providing an extended period of satiation after a meal.

When you know the good from the bad, fat is fabulous!


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